Saturday, February 03, 2007

Fotbal american

As a native Chicagoan and life-long Bears fan, I'm very excited about the Super Bowl this sunday, where my Bears will take on the Indianapolis Colts. It's not the first time the Bears have been in the Super Bowl in my lifetime, but I was only two years old when they won in 1986, so my memory is a little foggy. I'll be in Chisinau watching the game in a secret location, although there are only so many secret locations in Chisinau that receive the Armed Forces Network, so you can probably figure out where I'll be.

Friday, I wore my Bears sweater to school and wrote "Go Bears!" on the chalkboards in both my English and informatica classrooms. I told each class about the game, and offered them one extra credit point if they came to school Tuesday and could tell me the score of the game. Why extra credit in informatica? Because the only way for them to know the score is to do a Google search of the team names, and that shows some technical savvy.

Also, before I let each class use the computers, I made the kids yell, "Go Bears!" with me several times. Some of the students looked at me like I was an idiot, but others really got into it. During passing periods throughout the day, boys would come up to me, and say, "Mr. Peter!" When I turned to face them, they would put both their fists in the air and say, "Go Bears!"

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At 10:18 AM, Blogger Alexei Ghertescu said...

Peter. I always wanted someone to explain me clearly the rules of this game. So, if you don't mind I'd like to join you in watching the game. Send me an SMS and indicate the time and location to 069799011.

What regards "Go Bears!!!" I can understand you pretty well, cause I am also a crazy footbal fan (but as you can guess european footbal, i.e. soccer)...


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