Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ultimul Sunet

Today was the last day of school in Moldova. The morning's Last Bell ceremony was very similar to the First Bell ceremony from September 1st, although there was no speech from yours truly this time around. Instead, I worked like a regular teacher, collecting overdue library books and late fees for the English library, shushing talkative students during the assembly and talent-show like contests afterward, passing out boxes of chocolate and cookies to each class and dancing with the fifth graders after the ceremony.

My first year of teaching is over, and now I know how not to teach. Nevertheless, I will look back at this year thinking of the successes and lessons learned and all the kids who brightened (and every once in a while clouded) my day.

With that in mind, I've posted some new pictures on Flickr, both of today's ceremony and of the earthquake drill we had at the school two weeks ago. As you can tell by the pictures, they take the earthquake simulation a little further than we do in California, including purposely leaving children behind with fake injuries so that students acting as medics can "rescue" them. At the end of the pictures are photos of each of my classes from this year.

La revedere scoala, si bine ai venit, vara!


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