Friday, March 24, 2006

Domnule Colbert, Esti un Foarte Comic Sovinist

My parents are kind enough to send me steady shipments of previously-recorded episodes of the Daily Show, Desperate Housewives, NHL hockey and the Colbert Report. I'm a big fan of the Colbert Report, so imagine my surprise when I was watching the February 9, 2006 episode. I'll quote from the show and include some snapshots along the way:

Which brings it to tonight's Word: U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Yeah! Whoo! We're going to kick some aaaass. Have you seen some of the countries that signed up for this thing? Look at that crowd! It's incredible. They don't stand a cha—Wait, hold on, go back. Wait. Jim, go back. Moldova?!

That isn't even a country. I think she's a supermodel.

And we are going to kick that ass. Right down there.

Good stuff. Just another item in the slowly growing list of pop culture references to Moldova.


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Scott said...

He is so right, we are going to kick its ass, and then give it a little squeeze, probably.

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Peter Myers said...

Also from the Olympics, Bob Costas mentioned in the Opening Ceremonies telecast that a small town outside Turin was gathering contributions to help pay for the living expenses of the 13 Moldovan athletes while in Italy. Given the black market work, this probably a return visit for many of the Moldovan athletes.

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! I've linked to this post from my article on Moldova's first attempt to market itself internationally.


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