Domnule Colbert, Esti un Foarte Comic Sovinist
My parents are kind enough to send me steady shipments of previously-recorded episodes of the Daily Show, Desperate Housewives, NHL hockey and the Colbert Report. I'm a big fan of the Colbert Report, so imagine my surprise when I was watching the February 9, 2006 episode. I'll quote from the show and include some snapshots along the way:
Which brings it to tonight's Word: U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

Yeah! Whoo! We're going to kick some aaaass. Have you seen some of the countries that signed up for this thing? Look at that crowd! It's incredible. They don't stand a cha—Wait, hold on, go back. Wait. Jim, go back. Moldova?!

That isn't even a country. I think she's a supermodel.

And we are going to kick that ass. Right down there.

Good stuff. Just another item in the slowly growing list of pop culture references to Moldova.
He is so right, we are going to kick its ass, and then give it a little squeeze, probably.
Also from the Olympics, Bob Costas mentioned in the Opening Ceremonies telecast that a small town outside Turin was gathering contributions to help pay for the living expenses of the 13 Moldovan athletes while in Italy. Given the black market work, this probably a return visit for many of the Moldovan athletes.
This is hilarious! I've linked to this post from my article on Moldova's first attempt to market itself internationally.
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