Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Glimpse of My Life

My rutiera ride yesterday from Hincesti to Chisinau was pleasant and only lasted about 35 minutes. The small child sitting directly in front of me was silent for the entire ride. The duck behind me, however, was a little noisier. He started making noises after 10 minutes and sounded out five times over the course of the ride. I counted each time as I sat and grinned to myself.


At 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh, the Moldovan version of the Central American "chicken bus". It's good to know you're maintaining your sense of humor. I laugh out loud when I read your entries, thanks for sharing.

Aunt Paula

At 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a co-worker of your Dads and he pointed me to your blog today - all about how we look at life. I know that the next time I take public transit, I will think of this post, as I no doubt will not encounter any livestock on any bus ride I take here :)

Enjoy your time abroad as this experience in your life will be invaluable (I too spent some time in Europe and things are very different than back home).

At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful glimpse into your life, Peter. Grandmother Martha passed your newsletter on to me. I remember you when you visited St. Gregory's Episcopal Church in Muskegon, MI many long years ago and came to visit Discovery Pre-School there.
Babs Vaughan

At 12:00 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

This is so freakin funny b/c it's so true. If only we can train their future dinners to behave themselves! You'r family is cute. It's too much to ask of my parents to figure out how to leave a comment!


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